12 Mar 2016

New Season.

With a new season fast approaching the walled garden is looking in great shape. Thanks mainly to our immense Volunteer support we have never looked so good at opening time. Kate one of our Volunteers has shared her experiences working in the Walled Garden.

"March already and one day it's Spring the next Winter, fortunately for us it was Spring today and the gardening a real pleasure, especially when working in the sun. I have been volunteering here in the walled garden for over a year and it continues to be a great experience. Every week is different, well apart from the weeding and recently mulching, which is now at an end, hooray. A relief now its done and good knowing it will improve the soil and suppress the weeds; a double whammy. I can't believe how much further on we are than this time last year, in part due to mulching.
Today after some weeding and mulching, of course, 3 of us volunteers planted some gooseberries and over 230 raspberry plants. I'd never planted either before and now feel like an expert as well as exhausted! We were rewarded with the sight of 2 red kites circling overhead, calling to each other, cakes for a much needed sugar rush to keep us going till we completed the task, and a real sense of achievement."

All the best


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